
For thinking Christians

These short blogs by Chris reflect on topics such as the impacts of AI and technology, bizarre Bible passages, or current-day politics, as well as big questions like faith deconstruction, suffering and other religions.

3 min

3 things churches get wrong at Christmas – and how to fix them

Pitfalls for the unwary church

4 min

As online games become more immersive could that make them safer?

A Christian game developer with a fresh approach

tips to read the bible well
4 min

3 tips to help you read the Bible well

Simple principles to ensure you read the Bible as it was meant to be read

james webb carina nebula
7 min

God and the Big Bang

Why these stunning images point to a creator

Nina Smallman
5 min

Faith & forgiveness in the face of horror

A new documentary, Two Sisters, tells the story of Anglican priest Mina Smallman

3 things to stop doing with the bible
5 min

3 things to stop doing with the Bible

3 ways we miss what God wants to say

After the flood - the church support for slavery
3 min

After The Flood – how Christians used Noah’s drunken curse to defend slavery

A single verse in Genesis led to a theology of slavery

Should Christians invest in bitcoin
7 min

What Christians need to know before investing in Bitcoin

Cryptomania explained!

guard your heart
5 min

How did a gifted Christian Minister become an atheist?

I met him to find out

church at home
5 min

2022 will define the shape of church for the future …

… what does it look like?

Christians and Apple Google Facebook Amazon
5 min

Be concerned about the growing influence of Tech Giants

Powers & authorities

Tears in the Bible and in our lives today
4 min

Tears through the Bible and in Our Lives Today

The eleven types of tears in scripture

assisted dying
5 min

Assisted Dying – can we live without it?

UK Parliament has re-opened the debate — what does the Bible say?

A conversation with the dead
6 min

A conversation with the dead

Love and loss in the age of Artificial Intelligence

10 habits for a post covid world
5 min

10 life-changing habits for a post-COVID world

10 lessons we have learnt and should not let go of