This lesson in understanding racism would not be allowed today

How do you put yourself in the shoes of a black person who suffers prejudice and discrimination when you are a white person with white friends and white workmates? A primary school teacher in 1968 found a way.

Today, what she did wouldn’t be allowed but, for the kids in class that day, it was a profound and life-long lesson …

The video begins automatically at 16m, 40s. Watch the 5‑minute section which ends at 22m. (You could watch it all but I’m pointing you to the relevant bit:-))

If you enjoy that, try the whole thing: Authentic Christian living in a TRUMP, BREXIT, COVID world.

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4 years ago

Thanks for your excellent teaching input on Hebrews and also thoughtful comments on racism and many other subjects. The last few blogs I have written answers sometimes but was unable to get them to appear for some reason. Have you changed your way of communicating somewhere? I’m pretty useless with Computers and wondered why I cannot forward these emails to my cousin in California who is a retired Psychologist — and away from God for most of his life but still persists in talking to me about subjects like heaven over the internet. Perhaps it’s because he is now 78… Read more »

Amis C
Amis C
4 years ago

Fascinating experiment by that teacher in 1968. Good way to put Hebrews in 3 relevant facts/prescriptions for current times Shishirbhai. Guard rails!!

Cathy Buntin
Cathy Buntin
4 years ago

Hi Chris
I shared your message on Hebrews with some friends and got this response:
Cathy I just listened to Chris and I’ve been looking at Hebrews myself so I was thanking the Lord for Chris bringing this message — thanks for that you’ve been really helpful! Another friend also said Chris spoke very well and it was a good sermon — so thanks!

Martin Davies
Martin Davies
4 years ago

Again Words of wisdom Thanks Chris Mx

4 years ago

Absolutely brilliant sermon Chris. Keep sending them.
Hope you and the family are well. Lymm are so blessed to have you.

God bless

Angela Rowley
Angela Rowley
4 years ago

Another cracker, Chris.