What did God do on his day off?
Are you tired? I mean right now? …
I am. And I am guessing I’m not the only one. Tiredness seems to be a disease of our time.
I used to think it was strange that in the defining list of commandments God gives his people …“don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal” … we find the slightly out of place instruction “and make sure you get some rest”. Not just rest, Sabbath Rest.
But maybe it’s not strange. Many of us are not good at rest. At this time of the year some of us are fortunate enough to think about holidays and rest. But how do we “do” rest, especially the regular rest we are supposed to get each week? How does God do rest?
Sabbath – what’s it really about?
Isn’t it interesting that God creates man and woman on the 6th day and then the first thing man and woman do is experience a Sabbath! The first thing they do is … rest. Their work comes much later. I think most of us have got this the other way round. We strive to get everything done whether it’s looking after kids, toiling in our workplaces or toiling in our church. There is always something more to worry about … money, children, job. And we are always connected, “always on” some device or other. “Rest” is what we have left over when everything else is done. But on God’s schedule, rest was always planned, scheduled in. God commands us to keep the Sabbath.
I find this is a very hard commandment to keep – much harder than not murdering people
(…which may be just as well).
And people in Bible times found this hard too. By the time we get to Jesus’ day the Sabbath had been twisted into a complex set of rules nobody understood. Jesus attacks the religious teachers for telling him he wasn’t allowed to heal the sick, or even to snack on grain in a field on the Sabbath. His reply in effect was “ … you’ve made the Sabbath into yet another thing people have to “do”, another set of rules, another thing to worry about. You’ve made the blessing of relaxing into the curse of worrying”.
But even today it can be hard to know what to do and not do on a Sabbath. Is it OK to read something connected with work? It it OK to do other work – gardening or DIY? Is it OK to take a class in something new? Here are 3 tips that have been useful to me when thinking about Sabbath and rest:
Don’t carry a burden![dont carry a burden](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20150%20150'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Let everything slip from your shoulders. This idea is key according to Northumbria Community. Even if you have to pick them all up again tomorrow, let them go today.
This starts with letting go, ignoring the ironing pile, not replying to messages (turn your phone off?). A distraction can help loosen the burden. It might be a walk in the countryside, socialising, or just sleeping longer. And not carrying a burden means try not to measure time – stop clock-watching!
Don’t try to improve things![Living slowly is good for your faith](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20150%20150'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Writing on the Patheos blog, Wayne Muller says:
In ordinary time, we work … In Sabbath time, we see things as they are — but we do nothing to change, improve, or turn those things into something different.
“In Sabbath Time, we surrender into a world without need of change. We slowly come to see the world with different eyes, fresh, and new. We see the field not as a crop to be harvested, but as a gently flowing ocean of wheat, an abundance of texture shaped by gentle breezes. We see things as they are, and marvel at their magnificence.”
Do try a Walking Meditation![walking meditation](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20viewBox='0%200%20150%20150'%3E%3C/svg%3E)
Richard Rohr uses this name for what disciples have practiced for centuries. Find some where to walk for 15 minutes, an hour, or a whole day. Walk alone and observe … colours, a wisp of cloud, people, a reflection, a fragrance … and practice:
- Presence, really be there, really observe, don’t take your previous thoughts with you
- Connectedness, take in what you see
- Reverence, “everything is holy for those who have learnt how to see” … slow down, live life at 2 miles per hour!
Importantly this is not about coming back with some profound message from God. That’s fine if it happens but it’s not the point. Rohr says “… goal-lessness is your goal. The journey is the destination”. Go stare at something – this is something children are really good at — and we are to learn from them!
This doesn’t have to be grand mountain tops or lush forests. It can be a walk down your street. This is about savouring the ordinary things. Most of God’s creation is not ordinary, it’s astonishing, it’s just that we’ve grown used to it, we’ve stopped seeing it. One thing I like to do (seated!) is simply close my eyes and listen, especially to bird song. It’s 4 times louder when you can’t see .
I once read that ignoring the commandment to Sabbath rest was dishonouring to God. At the time I though this writer must live on another planet — one where nobody does any work. But now I realise he was right and I now try to schedule rest activities into my calendar, even if I sometimes fail to keep the appointment. Today some people cannot take Sunday off due to work. Some find Friday night to Saturday afternoon easier, and for many it’s hit and miss, but the commandment to just STOP for 24 hours remains.
And lastly back to the question:
What did God do on HIS day off?
Well that’s an interesting question. I sometimes wonder what God did on that first Sabbath. What does he continue to do? Watch sport? Take a walk? Socialise within the Trinity?
Of course God doesn’t have days on or off (and maybe not even “days” in that sense). But on that first Sabbath he actually introduced us to all three of the ideas above. He didn’t carry a burden – he ceased to work. He didn’t try to improve or tweak things — his creation was already good. And he did take time and space to step back and enjoy his creation.
If you enjoyed reading this try The 3 ideas that will change your faith forever.
This article was also published by Premier Christianity, and the Baptist Times.
Wow this is mind opening. God bless you http://www.penthetruth.com
What did God do on his day off? This question is good. The answers to this question are from the Bible itself. I want agree with the writer of the message above that after the work of creation God rested. Before he rested he had created human being, Adam and Eve and God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning — the sixth day. Paul the apostle of Jesus says in 2 Timothy 3:16 that:- All scripture is God-breathed and it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and… Read more »
Why would you believe this tripe? It is made up stories from an old book. It would be impossible to breed a race of humans from 2 people. The earth is 4.5 billion years old not 6000!
Hi Neil Id like to ask you to have some respect in your online comments — I prefer open discussion esp with people who disagree, but not in such deliberately aggressive terms. That said your short statement contains some fairly blinding assumptions: — That the idea that the universe emerges from noting is somehow more intuitive (or provable) that a transcendent creator — That somehow an “old book”, by which I assume you mean the ancient manuscripts of the Bible for which there is a mile high evidence of authenticity — is simply to be dismissed out of hand That the… Read more »
Sorry, I did not mean any disrespect, I am just stating things as they are. I never said that the universe emerged from nothing. The bible is full of contradictions, errors, and rubbish. Sorry if you find that offensive but I can back it up. How else do you interpret the Adam and Eve story? It is clearly incorrect.
Hi Neil
The Bible is a collection of ancient manuscripts which has widely accepted authenticity. To Christians it is also a book of truth but that doesn’t mean we take it literally. The idea of taking the Bible literally is a relatively recent idea and not one that I or most Christians would subscribe to. This blog might help explain the different types of literature in the Bible: https://7minutes.net/blog/is-the-bible-true/
The bible has a talking snake, a talking donkey and a talking bush. It claims that the stars will fall to the earth. I could go on. There is so much nonsense in it I fail to see why anyone would take it seriously. Are you trying to say that we should ignore the absurd bits and the nasty bits. (e.g. EX 21 and numbers 31) And just believe the good bits? (Not that I know of any good bits!!)
4.5 billion years? Please justify this statement by convincing all the readers and where this information is found in order for them to understand the truth of the given figures of 4.5 billion years. Help me to understand and to believe.
Go read some science books on the subject. You will find that these figures have been derived by many different methods. And they all concur.
As church leaders we need to model this for our congregation. It can be tempting to get into the constant ‘doing’ of stuff to justify our position or stipend. For me, as well as all the excellent things you’ve mentioned, there’s also something about resting ‘in God’ — no bible study, no seeking guidance, just being with God; resting beside the still waters and allowing the Lord to ‘restore my soul’. I love the new look website.
For leaders its hard but as you say, important. I have seen leaders “criticised” for being unresponsive” when they are on leave. Thanks for that Jane
It worries me that so many people find it so difficult to switch off for a day. And yes this has definitely got worse as we have advanced technologically. Like tithing, I started taking one day off from a week an early age — my student days. I feel it makes me much more productive on the other 6 days for one thing. And like tithing its a Christian discipline. So these days I still do it — take the day off — and there is no guilt!
Thanks for this Chris enjoyed it.
The best one yet
Thanks Chris!
First of all — new website looks great 🙂
This is a great post as it’s something so many people struggle with. I like to think the socialising within the trinity point has some depth to it, but because we can often find socialising hard work, or at least ‘another thing on the list’ we read our own baggage in to this idea.
Christ’s invitation is to actively find rest in Him, which may take effort when we want to watch Netflix and switch off, but gives a much truer, deeper rest.
Thanks for checking out my new look site Joe. And yes .… if socialising is hard work .… we need to find someone else to socialise with
The site is intended for sharing ideas and to socialize. Chris Goswami, you have done something good by creating a website which will bring people from different parts of the world who have ideas that can benefit others. I like making friends. Do you?
Great reminders for this time of year Chris! That is very much the challenge to enjoy just being rather than feeling I need to do something. Not being in church leadership anymore has really helped me to enjoy Sundays more without feeling I have to change or do something (sorry that does not necessarily apply to church staff and leaders!). By the evening though I am itching to get back into ‘doing’ mode! As you say this is an on-going and evolving journey.
Also love the new website!
Thanks for the thumbs up on the new site. Yes the “being” sounds easy but modern life has distracted us to the point where we are always “doing”.