No more page 3 … soon?

β€œI don’t want my future daughters to live in a world in which it’s seen as acceptable for them to be judged on their bra size .…That’s why I want to see the end of page three”, Chine Mbubaegbu. Read her short article on Threads.

The Sun remains Britain’s most popular daily newspaper. Regarding its depiction of women, Chine continues   β€¦β€œWhen I think of page three, I imagine the men of Britain thinking to themselves β€œphwoar”, in a Carry On-esque way as they ogle the latest offering in Britain’s largest-selling daily. Seriously, what century are we actually living in?”

And then, on the completely different topic of pursuing God’s plan for your life:

β€œTaking risks and obeying what we think God is saying leads to confusion, frustration and isolation. We run after our dreams or our calling, only to find that life is really tough…” What do you do when following God’s clear and direct call leads you to a complete, unqualified dead-end β€” a dead-end where you never imagined you could be? Again a short thoughtful article by James Watts on Threads.

Threads is an outstanding Christian blog run by a collection of young adults. The site has a fresh, vibrant look and feel and is making significant impact.  Threads won first prize in the Christian New Media Awards for the past 2 years running, for β€œMulti-author Blog of the Year”.





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