Why do Christians Lose Their Faith?
Some time ago, an elderly gentleman approached me after I had finished speaking in church. Holding back his noticeable tears he simply said, “… thank you for saying its OK to have doubts”. More recently another, younger Christian, told me he has lost his faith completely — the Christian faith just holds too many doubts for him. And, most likely, this Summer, you will have read about high profile Christians Joshua Harris and Marty Sampson announcing on social media that they no longer believe.
Is it OK for Christians to have doubts? What kinds of doubts? When does doubting result in a crippling loss of faith? Are there people who have pretty much lost their faith but still come to church, hiding their non-belief, either to maintain an image, or for the social circles that church provides? It seems even some ministers cling on in this way.
Why do Christians lose their faith?
I believe there are two main reasons.
Firstly, we get overwhelmed by troubling questions
Some Christians can end up feeling there is “an unnerving intellectual incoherence to the Christian faith”, according to Scott McKnight in his book Finding Faith Losing Faith. They end up feeling that Christianity is full of holes. These troubling questions usually include:
- Why are science and faith at war with one another?
- Is hell really eternal conscious torment for millions of people?
- Why is the God of the Old Testament so violent?
- Why does scripture contradict itself?
- Why does God allow so much suffering?
- And what do we do with other religions?
Of course, these are difficult questions, period. We shouldn’t minimise them but nor can we examine them in a few paragraphs such as this. The links below this article actually relate to short blogs where these questions are discussed in depth. If these questions bother you, do take the time to look.
As well as that let’s not forget that there is huge intellectual incoherence to atheism. Hard atheists have a belief system as well, and it has many holes. Eg, they believe the universe exists by complete chance, they believe nothing exists beyond this life, and that ultimately science alone will explain everything. None of these can be proven. In fact, the universe, they say, is just a gigantic car crash, an unplanned, un-initiated big-bang that somehow resulted in a stunningly beautiful world. This is so incoherent that some Christians who have had a crisis of faith end up having a crisis of doubt and returning to faith.
Some Christians who have had a crisis of faith end up having a crisis of doubt
Secondly, Christians lose faith because we are disappointed with God
My neighbour told me recently that he lost his faith when a good friend of his died, young and suddenly. He was a lovely kind man, the sort that would do anything for anyone. His death was tragic.
This kind of thing shakes us – it’s hard. We feel God has let us down badly, so badly that maybe he’s not real. But the problem here is that as Christians we easily fall into the false idea that God owes us something. We get the idea that we have a special deal with God, and this deal means that God will not allow anything really awful happen to us. It is tempting to think that if we pray, pursue good works, give away our money etc then we won’t face the big disasters in life … terminal illness, loss of a child, serious accident. …. But there is no ticket to a life free from calamity. There is no deal like that. Instead, “the deal” is about God walking with us , wherever we go, even taking on our suffering himself, and with the promise of a deeper, eternal relationship to come.. But for now, we all share in the broken nature of this world, and that impacts our lives at many levels.
Why did God let that happen? Why did God not heal? … are fair questions to ask of God. In fact, asking them is an important part of learning to integrate faith and life, because we start to see that God is very much present in these events, just not in the ways we thought he might be. This leads to a relationship, a trust in God so that, although we might not know the answers, we become content to sit with the questions.
And along with these questions we need a healthy view of doubt.
Licenced to Doubt
Of all the incidents of people doubting God in the Bible (and there are many) perhaps the one that amazes me the most is the disciples right at the end of Matthew’s gospel:
Matthew 28.16: Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted.
These guys have lived with Jesus, they have soaked in his teaching, witnessed his miracles and have even seen him resurrected. They have talked, walked and eaten with a Jesus who yesterday was dead and today is alive. And some of them still doubt? Wow!
If it’s OK for them to be sceptical – and Matthew records it – it’s OK for you and me to have the odd niggling doubt. It’s not a sin to have doubts, it’s just human. As someone once said: “Courage is not the complete absence of fear. Courage is doing the right thing even in the face of fear”. Faith is not the complete absence of doubts. Faith is trusting even in the presence of doubt – even when I don’t understand.
Faith is not the complete absence of doubts. Faith is trusting even in the presence of doubt
Winning through genuine doubts to a place of greater confidence
Christian tradition speaks of “the dark night of the soul” – a kind of spiritual crisis, which can include a crisis of doubt. And recently a lot has been written on “faith deconstruction”. Whether or not you feel these phrases apply to you, genuine and overpowering doubts in life can hit any of us, and when they do, it feels alarming, like the rug is being pulled from underneath us.
But, in fact, most of us need to experience some kind of crisis of faith, some dark night of the soul, for our faith to be hardened, to be made real. Janet Williams in Seeking the God Beyond explains that God can use such times to call us to a new and deeper relationship. She compares this experience to a child learning to ride a bike with stabilisers (the tiny, extra wheels at the back that stop it toppling over). Although the stabilisers provide comfort and losing them might seem terrifying, in the end they hold us back from a much richer experience.
Facing up to the hard questions, working through our doubts is key to a lifelong relationship with God that is constantly maturing. These occasions are an invitation to grow in faith. Apparently in Luxembourg each year there is a hopping race where you must repeatedly hop 2 steps forward and one step back. That’s a good picture of how faith matures. I believe it’s in the hopping back, it’s in the questions of life, that we are forced let go of our false idols, our comfort blankets, and discover something new about the mysterious, compassionate God we serve.
7 blogs for 7 big questions:
Why does God allow bad things to happen?
Why don’t miracles happen today?
Do Christians Muslims and Jews Worship the Same God?
Why are there Weird Stories in the Bible?
5 things I Wish I’d Known When I Became A Christian
‘God’s not a respecter of persons?’ & ‘God’s will none should perish…?’ well my testimony proves God is a lias. I lost my faith in God. Over the years things haven’t gotten better knowing Jesus. The sibling brother I was given in this life time wants to just bully me (Later deals with black magic). It simply put this way: Before I got saved, as far back as 4yrs old; I was called many things including by Christians of many denominations. I was called a racist, hateful, sexist, etc… & called any and all names & tiles; I was called… Read more »
Used to go to church twice on a Sunday. Followed God all over the place.
Lost my life. Without work for 15 years. The evil that exist in this world. Never ending. Lost all hope in humanity. Follow God if you must. Better to try and love the good parts of nature. Save your life.
For me it’s the trinity doctrine that caused me to lose my faith. It’s Christianity’s holy grail and I fully reject it — only to be condemned by my fellow Christians over it. Too much nonsense in Christianity. Dispensationalism — pre-trib is another debacle the church has adopted.
Trinity is diabolical nonsense.
Sorry you think so Jim and VERY sorry you felt condemned by Christian saround you. There is far too much judgmentalism when it comes to comples doctrines on which any of us might be mistaken. The Trinity is definitely a tough concept for us to understand or explain. The Trinity is not about three gods but one God in three persons, embodying a unique relationship of coexistence and coequality. Perhaps its a little bit like I am a father, a son and a brother all at the same time, different manifestations of me that people see and realte to …… Read more »
Hi Jim. I used to not believe that Jesus was God. I believed He was the Son of God, but I never believed in the Trinity either. That was what I was taught. In 2006, God started talking to me in dreams and I didn’t understand what He was saying because I wasn’t born of the Holy Spirit. Then all hell broke loose in my life and I was under deep distress. I had just begun attending this Baptist church at the time and a family member told me to call the pastor of the church. I told him everything… Read more »
Can anyone explain why there is so much evil? I can just about accept natural suffering. But evil from humans, NO I will never accept it. So why does GOD allow it. Why is Nature so full of evil, aggression and death. Why? It seems to me that if you eliminate GREED then a lot of evil will disappear. The only way to get any where near close to God is to live a simple life and as far away from materialistic terrorism as possible. Just the basic necessities. Yes give your kids an education. For it is useful to be yoused wisely.… Read more »
Hi MM — you’re asking one of the most difficult and profound questions anyone could ask. There are no easy answers but here is my response
The above was written directly after the Sril Lankan bombings of 2019
Also this may help:
MM, in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, it explains how God created the world and how He created humans. He gave us free choice, and He gave us the world. He set us in charge of it. Then He gave us a choice, He put a tree, The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He told us not to eat of the fruit of this tree or we would surely die. But Eve, the first woman went near it anyway, and there Satan, as a snake, tempted her to take it, but it was still ultimately… Read more »
Why would God even create people knowing that they would suffer so horribly. Why create babies knowing that they would die horrible deaths due to starvation and disease. It makes no sense. And why prolong the life of someone in horrible pain. I have chronic pain and on some days I wonder why God even created me just so that I can experience hell on earth. If my children were in pain I would use whatever means I had to alleviate it. So at this point I don’t know what kind of God I should have faith in. A God… Read more »
Hi Joe. The question of suffering in the world is a really tough one, probably the toughest argument against the existence of God — and I am very sorry to hear of your chronic condition. The theology I support is summarised here: https://7minutes.net/blog/why-does-god-allow-bad-things-to-happen/
I don’t pretend for a minute that theology will reduce your pain but I hope it at least provides some partial answer on one level.
I was arrested in Saratoga, WY in 2017 and charged with two crimes that I did not commit. I was facing 10 years in prison. As I sat in a jail cell in Rawlins, WY for 10 months, I came down with walking pneumonia. I was sick for 3 weeks and was told I could go to the hospital only if I paid for it up front. Somehow, I recovered but the next nightmare came from a crazed inmate who began threatening my life. As if this wasn’t enough to deal with, my attorney turned out to be a shyster… Read more »
This spoke to my soul. My brother was given a life sentence for a crime he didn’t commit. We have been trying to appeal the sentence to no avail. This left my family in financial ruin. Then to add onto that, I was sexually assaulted in my own apartment 2 months back. I haven’t had the strength or courage to even pray. Your last paragraph sums up exactly how I feel. Which is ironic since my name is Faith.
I’m praying for you Tony, and you too Faith.
I haven’t prayed in quite a while now. I was brought up in a Christian family, my mother is a firm believer while I on the other hand couldn’t really grasp the concept of worship and congregation since I was a kid. But I tried as I grew older. Now in my late 20’s I have so many doubts. Like we’ve come so far in terms of science and technology, why aren’t there mention of other nations in the Bible. Verses which seem kind of misogynistic. Why do children suffer? Like poor kids suffering from cancer. What plan does God… Read more »
Hi Akish — I read your comments. May I direct you to a couple of short articles that I think may help answer your questions if you have time to read them? Do LMK what you think Akish! Why does the Bible sometimes seem so foreign and disconnected from our lives? Try: https://7minutes.net/blog/weird-stories-in-the-bible/ https://7minutes.net/blog/questions-afraid-ask-bible/ “Why do children suffer” — and other innocent parties too? Try: https://7minutes.net/blog/why-does-god-allow-bad-things-to-happen/ “We have come so far in terms of science and technology” I think this can reveal even more about God, eg: https://7minutes.net/blog/parables-from-science-and-technology-illustrate-the-nature-of-god/ And, yes, you are correct in stating that much of the bible (but certainly NOT all… Read more »
Hi Chris, thanks for the reply. I’ve read the articles you posted. But I can only see your comment partially, the read more link doesn’t work. It’s probably a plugin issue since I’ve tried different browsers.
IT NOW WORKS! yes there was a bug which my website guy has now fixed
Yes it works now! Thanks. Interesting reads I must say and I agree churches don’t really focus on the old testament because it’s taboo nature. While some people are fine with cherry picking topics metaphorically or literally depending on their need. One of the things that keeps me on the agnostic side of things is the concept of eternal punishment. While I’m aware the hell can be interpreted as annihilation of the soul. Most churches don’t preach it that way. So for someone who has been trying to do good their whole life. All the humanitarians will they suffer for eternity? That… Read more »
Hey AJ Too right it’s not fair! I think what we need to remember is that thru history there have been different views on “hell” or whatever we want to call it. These certainly include the 2 you mention ie annihilation and eternal punishment. The latter view — when we examine it — is actually absurd and ultimately unbiblical. I know there are verses about flames that don’t go out but they have been removed from their context. As Richard Rohr says (my recollection of his actual words)… if everyone down here who hasn’t heard about God goes to hell,… Read more »
I’ve stopped going to any church since quite a while. Very hard to find churches that stick to the Bible and not bring in their own interpretations and rituals. I do not consider myself to be some intelligent person or superior to others but even I can see when something doesn’t align. I like having conversations on Christianity but recently I feel more and more agnostic. I do hope if there’s a God who is loving and just, my friends, loved one’s and I don’t suffer for eternity because it’s kind of hard for some people to believe in Biblical… Read more »
I think that’s fair comment AJ. If you are interested in the “conversations” on Christianity you could do worse than to check out the YT channel of our Sunday services: https://www.youtube.com/c/LymmBaptistChurch
In any case, good to talk with you 🙂
Chris it was good to talk with you as well. Thank you for replying to the comments with patience and understanding I really appreciate it. I did checkout the channel I’ll keep visiting it from time to time.
Good to know 🙂
Investing energy with God is the way in to our solidarity and outcome in all everyday issues. Be certain that you never attempt to work God into your timetable, however consistently work your timetable around Him.
Great article. Certainly captures many of the reasons that I lost my faith.
Ever turned a water tap on and no water came out. Just that horrible dry hollow sound. That is what it feels like when God has gone. Was he or she therein the first place. People just want some rest or peace. But it can’t be found on this planet.. Suffering is forever. Humanity really is bad. Most humans are fake. We Invented gods for our own psychological understanding. We need to belive. We need to look at the evidence life side not after death. Yes the good book is just that. But that’s it I’m afraid. Humanity totally lost it. Live your… Read more »
I have believed my whole life, and prayed for others and seen results. Prayers for myself, though? Kinda go unanswered, or like results are dangled in my face, but then snatched away. That’s what kinda throwing me off. Like I’m not good enough or not doing the right things for myself. Just wish I had clarity.
Hi J — sorry to hear your disappointment — understandable, Of course I don’t know you or what you pray for but perhaps its worth noting that “no” is also an answer; “not yet” is also an answer; “I have another plan for you” …is also an answer.
Hello J, You are not alone, I too feel like I must not be good enough for the prayers I wanted. Getting tired of seeing other people get their prayers answered. And then on top of that, i notice people going to church and still struggling and it seem church and religion is all they have to cope and escape,I was like that also, just like people who use substance to escape but when they come off that high, the problem still there. A recent situation happened, where I was dealing with a pastor who promised me marriage, then suddenly… Read more »
I’ve lost my faith because of other Christians. I must have said to myself a hundred times that if these people — CHRISTIANS — represent God then I don’t want anything to do with him. Christians are Christianity’s worse enemy and a major cause of Atheism in the world. For me. I still believe in the big-guy but hate the religion of Christianity. I’ve found little good in it and plenty of bad.
Hello Jim — thanks for reading and commenting. I also find Christians among the most infuriating people in the world … but then I remember I’m one of them too! I also recall that quote by Ghandi .….I love your Jesus but I don’t love your Christians. Why can’t your Christians be more like your Jesus? Or words to that effect. I don’t know where you live but there are certainly areas of the world where Christianity, (rightly) has become synonymous with intolerance hypocrisy, and a general lack of love, supposedly in the defence of some rule which they claim… Read more »
It;s funny that this turns up when you google “Why do Christians loose their conscience”
I really need work, and it is so hard to find due to biblical decisions I am making. My current living situation is terrible, and it is really destroying me. I hope I will not have to live like this much longer.
To correct myself, I do not need work, I need to live righteously by keeping G‑d’s commandments found in the Torah.
Hi Chris, A few months ago I had a terrible dream that I consider to be an attack from the enemy. I was so afraid I couldn’t calm down for months! I still don’t know what it was, but it left a mark on me and now I live in fear from God. I now have a hard time believing God is good, even though I first believed it to be so and consciously know it too. Thinking about billions of people getting thrown in hell and me with them. I don’t know what to do because of the constant… Read more »
Hi Ljupcho — i will pray for you but I do want to state something clearly. According to my reading of scripture and understanding of the New Testament there are NO “billions of people getting thrown into hell” Period. This idea is how the medieval church got people into submission and I am sad to say that it is still a teaching endorsed in some churches. It is simply untrue. Get in touch .…. or actually, that is a topic I should write an article on. Not that I claim to be a big expert in end-times theology but at… Read more »
“It would be a totally unloving and in fact unjust God who threw billions of people (inc any who have never heard of him) into oblivion.” The hell of the Bible is not oblivion. Eternal oblivion is not eternal damnation and suffering, it is pure nothingness, which could be considered a blessing in its own right. “That’s not the God of the Bible.” Does what you say here imply that the god that the bible portrays — God, or Yahweh — not in fact a complete and accurate depiction of the actual or true creator of the universe? Wouldn’t closing the mind… Read more »
“It would be a totally unloving and in fact unjust God who threw billions of people (inc any who have never heard of him) into oblivion.” The hell of the Bible is not oblivion. Eternal oblivion is not eternal damnation and suffering, it is pure nothingness, which could be considered a blessing in its own right. “That’s not the God of the Bible.” Does what you say here imply that the depiction of the god that the bible portrays — God, or Yahweh — is possibly incomplete or inaccurate of the actual or true creator of the universe? Wouldn’t closing the mind… Read more »
No. It isnt any of those reasons. Anyone who has had a genuine faith already dealt with those questions or decided they were not pressing enough to prevent a relationship with God. What really causes loss of faith is the behaviour and attitudes of Christians who by their actions deny the existence of a loving God while claiming to be spirit led. The priest who abused children, the christian parent who denounces their gay child, the married Christian man who makes inappropriate suggestions and jokes while decrying divorce. The woman who uses her faith to claim exemption from covid laws.… Read more »
Hi there — my experience is that the reasons I have listed are often the reasons why Christians have wandered away from faith, However, your examples of hypocrisy and downright wickedness that can be found in people including, sadly, Christians, also provides reasons why people are put off from faith. Thanks for highlighting this.
There are too many discrepancies.
Associated with God and the bible
I think we need your examples Tiffany…?
I’m sick of Christians saying God didn’t promise you a rainbow or your going to have tribulation. I understand that, but all the time? God expects me to be content living in a run dun farmhouse where the rent can barely be paid, eating old donated food from food banks and taking baths in dirty well water that keep me physically sick, driving a old vehicle that constantly breaks down that will eventually leave me without any transportation at all because I have no money. The fact that Prayer, Good works and tithing have left me nothing but tired, weary… Read more »
There is an awful lot to work thru there Lou — a lot of bad experiences — I will email you separately
Exactly how I feel.
Not only have I lost faith in God but now humanity as well…I have just enough left in me to say thank you..
Lou m, I share your feelings. I wish I could talk with you.
Not only have I lost faith in God but now humanity as well…I have just enough left in me to say thank you..what do you want to talk about?…slingshot1320atgmaildotcom
I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through, it sounds very much like the 44 years of hell God has forced on me so far. I’m at a point where I know that God can never be trusted or depended upon and that I have no desire to have a closer relationship with my creator. God has withheld everything that mattered to me in this life and for all eternity, that it has even made the thought of an eternal life as an eternal punishment. How can I ever want to spend eternity with the God who was supposedly by… Read more »
Hi Blakely — please see my note to you below
I feel the same Chris. I no longer know if I want to continue believing. I dont know if this heavy burden on my life is just a test of my faith or a lifelong hell because I’m believing in nothing.
I don’t know.
One or two have reached out in an email to me — feel free to do the same Russ if you want to — see the “Contact” tab above
Not only have I lost faith in God but now humanity as well…I have just enough left in me to say thank you..
Lou, you put into words the way I have felt for the past 12 years. I tried to have faith, I tried to remain positive when my whole life shattered all over me. I sang songs about faith. I prayed to feel some kind of peace. To feel like God was there. But, no peace, no answers, just more of the same crap. I feel like I give God chance after chance to come through for me but he just slams the door in my face. The other thing is, why would a loving, all knowing snd all capable of all things… Read more »
Hi Anne — same invitation to you t get in touch if you wish. I would say one thing now to your comment that “Fear and guilt are the foundations of Christianity” .… you have been sold a mis-representation of the Christian faith. Its unfortunately a common one, but untrue nevertheless. I wrote a few paragraphs here on the idea of “original sin” V original goodness: https://7minutes.net/blog/things-i-wish-i-knew-when-i-became-christian/
I don’t believe that there ever was something called Original Sin. I think that it’s a made up doctrine that was heavily influenced by Paul, and then added to by Augustine.
Yes perfectly true — its incredibly hard to find “original sin” in the Bible — takes some gymnastics!
Not only have I lost faith in God but now humanity as well…I have just enough left in me to say thank you…if you need to further share and talk .slingshot1320atgmaildotcom
I’m happy to chat Lou — as I have done over email with several others in this thread. You can reach me thru the Contact page of this website.
I feel the same Lou and when you listen to them and see how they treat those suffering you will find they don’t really love God either. If you stay around long enough they will tell you they don’t really care about the Word that’s why they can’t love you either or be there for you, or the homeless, the widow, or the fatherless unless it’s done in public so they can get Gods glory. Inside they despise those types of people. This can even be family, your children at the age of accountability, and those you thought were real… Read more »
Don’t loose faith cause I can tell you things can change and get better. You also have to know we living in the end times and the children of God have suffered death like Jesus though it’s not physical. Your flesh doesn’t care about eternity and is your enemy. Don’t let it get to you cause of where you live, ect though it’s understandable to expect the basics. I can speak on it cause I have been in a situation like yours and still struggling financially and get tired angry and I fall. But I have proof God still here or… Read more »
Lou.. I tried to email you.… It comes back that the message could not be delivered… No such email…
I too feel like you .… Life has beaten my faith out of me.
Sorry to hear that you feel like that Lily — feel free to email me if you would like an one to one chat about your experiences
I think you are right in that we do expect that God owes us something. But I think that comes from a lot of Christian teaching however incorrect. I found that the people in church said things that really really upset me every week. My husband and I have had three miscarriages and continue to experience infertility. People in church tell me to ‘Relax’ ‘Just get fitter’ ‘It’s God will you will have a child’ and our 66 year old pastor suggested ‘Remember to keep sex enjoyable’. Often while I am not even thinking of it they bring up my… Read more »
Hi Cat
I’m so sorry to hear about your treatment at the hands of other clumsy and insensitive folks — however well-meaning they might feel they are.
I’m dropping you a note by email — i hope you see it and reply
I have not been to church for quite some time, and after this election fraud I think prayer is a waste of time. Looks to me like the devil has won.
Hi William — of course, the idea that there was election fraud in the recent election has been tested in your law courts. They all appear to be saying there was no fraud. If there is fraud it would still have been perpetrated by people.
Of course it was perpetrated by people, but to the fatal detriment of a country that God claims to love. Is that what His justice looks like?
Anyone blind enough to look for justice or truth in an amerikan court is living in dreamland. Just let a false charge get laid upon you and wind up in an amerikan court and see how it goes for you. That’s when you discover that prayer won’t help you.
Someone please pray for me. I don’t want to stop trusting in God but it’s getting hard
I lost my grandma, didn’t get the results I studied and prayed so long for to gain admission to study but I am still clinging on to the hope that there is a miracle coming. Someone please pray for me
Email sent
I think because Christianity is like being on a major league baseball team. If you can’t hit or play you get cut.
I do think though a person can admit to their sins and still follow.
I was born roman and Italian. Usually Christians are from the west coast.
People from New Jersey usually are not Christian unless they become born again.
Christians do not like me usually because I am roman and not mormon.
The more completely one treats the Lord as Lord of their life, the stronger faith becomes, because God works with that believer to build up their faith, both by the Spirit and by interacting with them in life’s events, many often spectacular.
But the less obedient believers tend to have more doubts, since their walk with the Lord is more shallow and so not much interaction with God occurs.
Of course if one is not truly born of God, then any amount of faith is superficial and can easily be lost.
Bollocks. Absolute ignorant rubbish. Go read the book of Job.
I am religious but I am not Christian because I know that most Christians would find me incompetent and not worthy of Christ.
I mean even rulers and presidents are Christian. Hitler followed Christ, George Bush.
I can still believe in religious things and not be accepted by Christians.
Al, no one is worthy of Christ. Jesus died for all our sins, including the sin of unworthiness. But you can have a one-to-one personal relationship with God. For how, see http://www.millpark.org/bible/doctrine-critical/the_plan.html
Exactly right. Faith is the important thing as Jesus commended the Roman centurion. Bless you that is kingdom of God thinking. Nothing wrong with that. Your identity in being a child of God is stronger than the need to align to a sect or denomination.
Here’s my testimony. My name is Matthew. This is why I believe in Jesus Christ, The Alpha and the Omega Conscious Created Creation 1. I am consciously aware. 2. I am a sentient human being. 3. I have my own spirit. 4. The Bible is too spiritually advanced for its day, not to have been made by an even more intelligent designer. 5. Why do I keep finding solutions today, in a book that was written a long time ago? 6. The Bible is too technologically advanced, for its day, not to have been made by an even more technologically advanced creator. 7.… Read more »
Matthew, I only skimmed that, but nearly all of those arguments can be used badly and incorrectly to support any other religion. You should pare down your list to arguments to only ones that prove what is written in the NT is true about the ressurection. For example, just stating you are conscious, or not evolved, does not mean the N.T. is true. Your assertion that the Bible is too advanced for its day, is (a) wrong, and (b) circular, since the Bible is something advanced for its day, which may not have been written by God, proving it wasn’t… Read more »
Rough response. I quite liked his arguments. I think maybe you are being too critical. Seems like the words he wrote came from someone with faith and there is some truth to it. I understood what he was saying quite well. Maybe reconsider your response?
Just read your excellent article on doubt in Christianity. I am sure that a lot of people will benefit from the article. You have s wonderful internet ministry. I hope you are able y key up the good work for many years.
In some church situations, like some house groups, where to raise the issue of a biblical paradox, let alone a personal doubt, is tantamount outright heresy.
Thank you
Atheism is very definitely a belief system. You need to catch up a bit Neil before making such a comment — maybe view some discussions between Theists and non Theists like John Lennox and Richard Dawkins or Alistair McGrath and Dawkins or some of the New Atheists so called . It takes a lot of faith to be an Atheist — the odds are stacked against such a system from the point of view of Philosophy, Religion and Science. Justin Brierly hosts some great debates on ‘Unbelievable’ — check it out —
Best Wishes Tina
How can atheism be a belief system? Is not collecting stamps a hobby? I don’t believe in unicorns, pixies, Santa or leprechauns either are those belief systems?
Also it takes no faith at all to be an atheist. I consider faith to be useless and have no time for it!
Thanks for reading and commenting Neil. If you read the article above it says “hard atheists have a belief system”. That’s a bit different to “atheism is a belief system (although I actually agree with Christina that atheism certainly amounts to a belief system). But let’s take what I actually wrote: “hard atheists have a belief system”, that is easy to demonstrate. Take just one of the beliefs listed above eg “nothing exists beyond this life”. That’a belief, you cannot prove or disprove it, but if you are a hard atheist you believe it. In this way we can go… Read more »
I am as much of an atheist that you can be, so if that makes me a hard atheist then so be it. But it is not a belief system.
Atheists believe lots of different things. Your example “nothing exists beyond this life” is a silly statement! As I said atheism is not a belief system so I cannot answer for atheists, but for myself lots of things exist beyond this life, Planets, galaxies, nebulae. etc.
I have no faith!!
Why do you say you have no faith?
Do you want to go to hell? Do you have a death wish?
I can attest that there are better things than that.
I have hope. I have seen spiritual things that I cannot explain in words that can be from no other than God himself. This is not hallucinations these aren’t imaginations this is not false belief and false hope.
Would you like to know about Jesus Christ or would you like me to leave you alone?
You said “hard atheists” and you get a small clap for that, but it doesn’t deal with the implied soft atheism, where we simply don’t know. It’s a bit boring coming up with concise labels for each type of agnostic, that no normal person would understand. I believe “hard atheists” are really just bluffing, annoyed, and fed up with the threats of Christianity, and haven’t looked at much else, because all religions seem similar. There are some atheists who have tried some of the other religions, but really: “fool me once, shame on you”. In my view, it’s a strategic… Read more »
You have created a strawman of the atheist. It is not a belief system, it is the lack of belief in gods. Other than that atheists believe lots of different things. You, the theists believe that the universe came from nothing, conjured up by a magical being. It’s no wonder you have doubts!
Replies to this comment from Neil Grieg are running below — see “Christina Barton”.
Apologies that somehow the reply thread got disconnected from the initial comment!
Billy Joel said it best…“Only the good die young.”
Thanks Chris . We all go through difficult times , doubts , trials . These are normal for a Christian . We don’t like them , but they should and do make us stronger . I question the commitment in the first place , if people lose their faith . I don’t think people really do . Once a believer always a believer . Trials and suffering make us more Christ like and make us come forth as gold for Christ’s glory . It’s ok to doubt and have questions but the first place to go to is into God’s… Read more »
Thanks Mike — I think your “once a believer always a believer” is close to a Calvinistic view, probably not my opinion though. Certainly agree with your first statement about making us stronger though
I have been a life long Christian. Done it all ‑teaching, ministering, prayer warrior parent, mentor. I have not had an easy life since childhood so I’m not saying all the roles were easy for me. That being said, my most recent crisis has been ongoing and increasing despite prayer, reading bible, small group support, reaching out to other believers. I say I’m done. It’s too painful to keep appealing to God only to be told no, wait, something better is around the corner for this horrible chronic condition, unemployment etc. I’m not sure there is a god. If I… Read more »
Please hold on. I get super depressed as well when I doubt and feel like God is ignoring me. Then afterwards i feel terrible guilt.
But I know he sees you. He is Sovereign, try looking for every good thing in your life today amd see how he is giving that to you. The terrible things are to make you stronger. Hold on. Take comfort that HE holds on to us. Breathing is an act of God’s mercy. Just breath and know he is at work.
I’m sorry my advice is not better. But I will pray for you.
Joy…the problem is sometimes it’s God plan for it only to keep getting worse. Some trials, are not trials at all. Just lifelong punishment. God also does not give us all any good things in this life or the next. I personally have not had one thing in my life for 27 years that was good or even mattered to me. God may be at work, but it can also to bring about your worst nightmare. Breathing is also not an act of mercy if you would rather not exist. I’ve never felt that God was ignoring me, He just… Read more »
Hi Blakely — Thanks for commenting. I obviously don’t know your situation or what exactly you mean by ” I personally have not had one thing in my life for 27 years that was good”, but I would be interested in a conversation if you wish — email me at chris@7minutes.net
Blakely, God isn’t using us to as pawns to do whatever He wants. If He wanted to He would’ve made Himself a bunch of robots to walk the planet. But He didn’t. He gave Adam and Eve choice. Free will. The ability to choose for themselves. God wants us to love Him because we want to. We’re not His puppets, because He doesn’t want us to be. Adam and Eve had free will and were given a choice. Love God and trust Him… or love and trust themselves. They decided they knew better than the One who made them and… Read more »
Hello Tess Sorry i missed this comment when you made it. Without knowing your situation its hard to comment. Is it the idea of God existing at all you are giving up on? Or the idea that God cares for you? On the 1st point: For me when i have come to the point of giving up my faith i think it was a question of “what is true?” ie, however i feel, what will i believe — because there has to be a truth. Discussions like Premier Christian Radio’s “Unbelievable” i think do a great job in positioning theism/Christianity against… Read more »
It is hard to keep the faith sometimes. Sometimes I feel like God is so hard on me and expects me to go through life hurting so he can teach me things. Sometimes I have yelled at God before, but I know I am not right for doing so. Also when I had schizophrenia I thought God was evil. I hope you find your faith again! Sometimes I see everyone else thriving and I think why would God abandon me like this? Why does he make it so difficult to be happy and understand him? Does God really even love… Read more »
I have been asking myself similar quwstions, why should everything i want only come after great suffering and mental torture, sometimes it doesnt even happen at all i ask myself if i hope too much or maybe i wasnt meant to go beyond this level of living i should just quit trying
Hi Tess, any answer I could give you would sound cliche, personally I think this is the evil ones most powerful weapon. You can say you give up or don’t believe anymore but that doesn’t make God less real, instead of giving up I suggest you try to imagine that God does not exist, you’ll probably find that impossible so if he does exist then don’t give up please. Sorry, another cliche.…you are being tested, try getting an A+. Keep trying and I guarantee you will feel better about yourself.
Thank you Steve. I will remember your exercise there in case its useful in advising someone else: “try to imagine God doesn’t not exist .…” Thats enough to put many people into a crisis of doubt
Brilliant- thx matr
Hi Chris
Good to meet you albeit very briefly at Creamfields. I am the older lady you spoke to in the Red Area as you came to do your shift on Saturday; thanks for this new subject. Co-incidentally I have just finished watching an interview Justin Brierly had with an American Pastor who lost his faith and ‘came back’ years later. He explains the reasons for his return to faith on the website thefaithpuzzle.org ‑thought you might like to check it out!
Hi Tina
Thanks for taking the time to comment — and yes of course I remember meeting you at Creamfields. I will surely check out that interview — I am an avid follower of Justin both on his weekly “Unbelievable?” podcast and his Big Conversation interviews, so thanks for the tip 🙂