
For thinking Christians

These short blogs by Chris reflect on topics such as the impacts of AI and technology, bizarre Bible passages, or current-day politics, as well as big questions like faith deconstruction, suffering and other religions.

what we learn from the Simpsons about prayer
4 min

Is prayer the same as prayerfulness? …. The same as mindfulness?

.… or do you pray like the Simpsons?

4 min

Don’t read the Bible

5 ideas & resources for approaching your Bible

2016 - 6 lessons - 1 bible verse (2)
6 min

6 lessons and 1 verse from 2016

As Christians what do we learn from the events of 2016?

Donald Trump
3.5 min

He broke every rule in the book — but what now?

Unqualified, unlikely and unholy — but what’s next?

Not enough faith to be an atheist
4 min

Do you have enough faith to be an atheist?

… or why believe in God at all?

Christian faith and the internet
2 mins

God on the web

Experts comment on how the internet shapes your faith

bible questions
4.5 min

Questions we’re afraid to ask about the Bible

Is the Old Testament crammed with violence and made up stories?

Grow your faith
4 min

The 3 ideas that will change your faith forever

Reading this could seriously enrich your faith

Midlife chrysalis
4 min

Midlife — crisis or chrysalis?

Is God calling you to something new?

Putting Britain back together
3.5 mins

How can we put Britain back together?

Is there a new narrative that can bind us back together?

Jo Cox - lessons
3 mins

3 lessons from a mum who tried to change the world

Jo Cox Membe of Parliment — 3 things she taught us

Something bigger than BREXIT
7 mins

Final countdown to June 23rd

The EU Referendum — No wait! … DON’T GO!! … listen to our 2 guest writers

Technology and the church
3.5 mins

Thou shalt be disrupted – technology and church

Can someone find the hymnbooks ? …technology gives and takes away

Who wants to live forever?
4 mins

Who wants to live forever?

3 ways to avoid life’s greatest certainty … technology gives and takes away

Your smartphone is irritating me
4 min

How your smartphone is changing you

Technology gives … and takes away