4 min
Is prayer the same as prayerfulness? …. The same as mindfulness?
.… or do you pray like the Simpsons?
3.5 min
He broke every rule in the book — but what now?
Unqualified, unlikely and unholy — but what’s next?
4.5 min
Questions we’re afraid to ask about the Bible
Is the Old Testament crammed with violence and made up stories?
4 min
The 3 ideas that will change your faith forever
Reading this could seriously enrich your faith
3.5 mins
How can we put Britain back together?
Is there a new narrative that can bind us back together?
Blog, Stumble
3 mins
3 lessons from a mum who tried to change the world
Jo Cox Membe of Parliment — 3 things she taught us
7 mins
Final countdown to June 23rd
The EU Referendum — No wait! … DON’T GO!! … listen to our 2 guest writers
3.5 mins
Thou shalt be disrupted – technology and church
Can someone find the hymnbooks ? …technology gives and takes away
4 mins
Who wants to live forever?
3 ways to avoid life’s greatest certainty … technology gives and takes away