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Welcome to my collection of interviews, podcasts and video clips!
Some of these are provocative interviews on contemporary topics eg politics or technology. Others are gentle stories and anecdotes ... stories of Jesus, of hope, of heaven, and more.

the bible in 10 minutes
10 min

The Bible in 10 minutes

The Bible — explained

Happy New Year 2020
9 min

Shining a light into 2021

Happy New Year!

Faithful living in a COVID world
8 min or 14 min

Faithful living in a COVID world

How does our faith help us in these troubling times?

The Kingdom of Heaven
6.5 min

What is the Kingdom of God?

Switch on your imagination and enter the parables of the Kingdom

5 min

This lesson in understanding racism would not be allowed today

A controversial lesson in racism

misunderstanding the bible
7 min

The 2 most misunderstood commands in the Bible

The 2 most incredible and confusing commands in the whole of scripture — explained

why is church boring
7 min

Why is church boring?

A straightforward answer to a straightforward question

The Bible in 7 minutes
7 min

The Bible in 7 minutes

The big story of the Bible — the lead characters — the key books … in 7 minutes

Too busy for Christmas
7 min

Too busy for Christmas?

A Russian Christmas tale — for children and grown ups

Premier Christian Radio
2 min or 10 min

Has Google replaced God? — Premier Radio interview

Google, the Gospel and God — Premier Christian Radio interviews Chris Goswami

Taming the tongue - James
5 min

What we speak — what we type — you cant tame the tongue

Words we speak, words we type, both can cause untold damage — or blessing

If bad things never happened
5 min

What if we lived in a world with no suffering?

Why do bad things happen? … well what if nothing bad EVER happened?

Be quick to listen
5 min

Are you a great listener?

Are we quick to listen? slow to speak? … how about slow to get angry?

Homeless Jesus
5.5 min

Are you prejudiced?

Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without the facts

Are you wise or foolish?
5.5 min

Are you wise?

God takes our puny idea of wisdom and fundamentally challenges it